
Marc Bolan Stands In Line at the Airport Behind Piet Mondrian

[an imitation of Patrick Lawler's poetry]

I prefer swans to airplanes, but since safety precautions for traveling have increased, I went with Delta.

The top of my top hat is a mirror, for those taller than me. It makes being looked down upon more bearable.

Predicting one’s own death is pretty impressive. I know you don’t believe in the color green, but the way the trees came crashing through my windshield might’ve changed your mind. Talk about the fundamentals of nature.
I heard you’ve just begun to extend your lines past the edge of the canvas, and here I am getting glitter on your bowtie.
My problem is my imagination; it won’t all fit in my suitcase. Perhaps you could take a few Ziploc bags of it with you.

I can help the next person in line.

Will you help me roll,
Help me roll, to my soul

Will you be checking any luggage for this flight?

Ride it on out like a bird in the sky-ways
Fly it all out like an eagle in a sunbeam

Here’s your boarding pass, sir. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave your tiger at the gate.

I ain't no square with my corkscrew hair

It’s hard to make a tea party out of peanuts and ginger ale.
I have eaten chocolate with Ringo Starr. I have seen him cry while driving a car. I don’t think the situations were related.

I ain’t no square